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3 Signs You’re Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard

June 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drolberding @ 9:40 am
Young man brushing his teeth

Given your dentist in Lincoln and their constant emphasis, you may think there’s no such thing as brushing teeth too hard. After all, how could diligence toward good oral health be a bad thing? However, the fact is that overbrushing is both possible and harmful to your smile. Good toothbrushing relies less on force and more on technique. To learn more, here’s a summary of overbrushing’s signs, negative health effects, and how to prevent it with proper brushing practice.


Watch for These 3 Sneaky Signs of Dehydration

June 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drolberding @ 9:35 am
Person out of water and experiencing dehydration

Many states — Nebraska included — are seeing record high temperatures this summer. Given such weather, you’re likely already trying to avoid dehydration. Even if you’re out swimming by the pool, it won’t take long before your tongue dries out and you start feeling parched. However, there’s more at stake than just uncomfortable heat and thirst. Did you know fluid loss can also threaten your oral health? To avoid that risk, read this summary about sneaky signs of dehydration, their effect on teeth and gums, and tips on preventing them.
