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The Benefits of Invisalign in Lincoln

October 31, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drolberding @ 2:10 pm

Why should I get Invisalign in Lincoln?Golf is as much a social activity as it is a sport. For some, it’s practically their second office. Half the time you could care less what your handicap is; it’s more about getting to relax and talk to people. Of course a big part of this is your smile. It’s usually the first thing you notice about people, so you bet it’s the same for them. You’ve decided to finally get your teeth straightened, but you can’t imagine hitting the course with a mouthful of metal braces. You’ve heard of Invisalign, but you have some very basic questions, the most pressing being, “Are they better than braces?” Dr. Olberding, your local dentist, would like you to know why Invisalign in Lincoln might be the right solution for your crooked teeth.

What Is Invisalign?

For many years, the best way to straighten teeth was considered to be metal braces. They were able to handle a wide array of orthodontic issues and were quite durable. However, one of the main issues was that they overwhelmingly affected the one thing you were trying to improve: your appearance. The solution to this has been the invention of Invisalign. Rather than using brackets and wires, Invisalign uses clear plastic aligner trays to gently straighten your teeth. A series of trays is custom made from scans of your teeth, and each one is worn at a specific point in your treatment. You wear each aligner tray for about 22 hours a day for 2 weeks before progressing onto the next one. After you have worn every tray, your smile should be straighter and more beautiful than ever.

Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces

Of course the big question is why would you want to choose Invisalign over traditional braces? Here is how the two of them stack up against each other:

  • Appearance: Invisalign, as the name suggests, is nearly invisible when worn. You will probably be the only person who notices you have a tray on, unlike with braces.
  • Removable: The trays simply slide on and off of your teeth. This means you can take them out whenever you need to eat or brush in the evening. This makes it easier for you to keep your teeth clean and saves you from having to change your diet.
  • Comfort: The smooth plastic of Invisalign is much more comfortable compared to braces, which often can irritate the tissue of the mouth and gums.
  • Time: Not only can Invisalign straighten your teeth faster than braces, it also requires fewer visits to your dentist in Lincoln to monitor your progress. This can save you a lot of time during the course of your treatment.

Due to all of these factors, this is why Invisalign is often the choice for adults, teenagers, and celebrities alike.

Have Any Questions?

If you want to know more about how Invisalign can help improve your smile, please give us a call today. We’re always ready to answer your questions and let you know why Invisalign is the solution for you.

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