If you know anything about cars, you know that to prevent major problems from popping up, you need to get your car tuned up once or twice a year. The same principle holds true for your teeth. If you don’t attend a checkup and cleaning with your dentist in Lincoln every six months, various oral health issues can develop, like cavities, gum disease, chronic bad breath, and seriously stained teeth. However, dentists understand that remembering to make and keep these appointments is not always easy. To make it simpler, here are three tips to help you fit your biannual dental checkups into your busy schedule.
(more…)How to Make (and Keep) Your Next Dental Appointment
August 26, 2020
Why Are Dental Implants So Popular?
July 7, 2020
Traditional dentures and fixed bridges aren’t your only option for replacing missing teeth anymore. There’s a new, state-of-the-art method that’s quickly becoming the most popular way to rebuild complete smiles: dental implants in Lincoln. This revolutionary treatment has already helped over three million people regain their comfortable, confident smiles, and nearly 500,000 more are placed every year. So what sets dental implants apart from other tooth replacement options? Here are just a few of the benefits you can enjoy with dental implants that you simply can’t get from dentures or fixed bridges!
(more…)How to Practice Social Distancing During Dental Visits
June 17, 2020
Even as the country slowly begins to reopen in the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s essential to remember that social distancing is still the best way to keep ourselves and our communities safe. But how can you maintain six feet of distance from others if you need to go in for dental care? Thankfully, your Lincoln dentist has established numerous additional safety precautions to keep their patients and staff healthy in the pandemic. Here’s how they’re preventing the spread of germs and encouraging social distancing within their practice.
(more…)What You Can Expect During Your Next Dental Visit
May 7, 2020
With businesses starting to reopen, it’s time to start thinking about your next preventive care visit. When you arrive for one, you may notice that the entire office feels a little different. That’s a good thing. Your dentist in Lincoln has been diligently preparing for your return by implementing new safety procedures throughout their practice. Keep reading to learn about what changes you can expect to see at your next appointment.
(more…)How Dental Practices Stay Safe & Clean During COVID-19
April 25, 2020
The coronavirus has caused many dental practices to limit their services to only emergency cases. If you find yourself facing a dental emergency, it’s natural to feel worried about catching the virus while you receive care. However, you don’t need feel alarmed when stepping into a dentist’s office. Even prior to the pandemic, many dentists were adhering to stringent sterilization and cleaning procedures to minimize their patients’ exposure to germs. As practices slowly reopen, your dentist in Lincoln will add even more safety precautions. Read on to find out what steps are being taken to keep you safe while you receive treatment.
(more…)Tips and Tricks for Keeping Your Mouth Clean Until Your Next Dental Appointment
March 30, 2020
Like any medical professional, a dentist’s first concern is to keep their patients healthy. Thus, to limit the risk of transmitting COVID-19, most dental practices are currently closed except for emergency cases. Of course, this means you may not be able to have a preventive checkup for a while – so your goal until then should be to give your smile the best care possible at home! Use these 4 tips suggested by a dentist in Lincoln to avoid gum disease and cavities while professional dental cleanings are unavailable.
(more…)Ask a Dentist: Is It True That Gum Disease Puts Your Heart at Risk?
February 25, 2020
Did you know that February is Gum Disease Awareness Month and American Heart Month? It may seem like these two parts of your body are completely separate, but the truth is that the health of your gums can impact your heart in surprising ways. So what explains the link? And how can you tell if you have gum disease to begin with? Keep reading below for the answers to these questions. You’ll also find out how a dentist in Lincoln can help you stay healthier!
(more…)Why Do Your Gums Bleed When You Brush or Floss?
February 7, 2020
Do your gums bleed when you brush or floss? It can be a startling sight to see blood in your mouth or sink after cleaning your teeth, but it’s no reason to panic. However, easily bleeding gums shouldn’t be ignored either. While it could be the result of something as simple as using the wrong toothbrush, bleeding gums could also be a warning sign of an underlying health condition you need to check out. Read on to learn from your Lincoln dentist what might be causing your gums to bleed and what you can do about it.
(more…)The Best Smile-Friendly Snacks for Your Oral Health
January 28, 2020
You do your best to take care of your smile with a great dental routine and regular visits to your dentist. But did you know that better oral health can be as close as your kitchen? By cutting back on sugary treats and adding some certain tasty foods to your diet, you can rebuild your enamel, keep your gums healthy, and prevent tooth decay! Here are some smile-friendly snack suggestions from your dentist in Lincoln.
(more…)Start 2020 off Right with a Smile and a Dental Checkup
January 2, 2020
Have you ever given up on a New Year’s resolution because it was too difficult to accomplish? Perhaps your new healthy habit was too ambitious, or you simply weren’t seeing results fast enough. This year make an easy commitment to bettering yourself by starting with your oral health! Getting a dental checkup is a simple resolution with results you can see now and benefit from in the future. Read on to find out why you should greet the New Year with a smile and a visit to your dentist in Lincoln.