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Invisalign - Lincoln, NE

Clear Braces to Flawlessly Align Smiles

We encounter many patients who had orthodontic work done years ago but now, for one reason or another, need help again. Invisalign® in Linocln, NE is a great option for people in that situation. Properly aligned teeth look fantastic and provide many health benefits. For example, a straight smile can reduce headaches and muscle pain, aid in digestion, and assist in better, more thorough self-cleaning.

The Benefits of Invisalign®

Woman holding Invisalign tray

Metal braces just aren’t for everyone. Many of our patients love the idea of straighter teeth but don’t want the commitment or look of metal brackets and wires in their mouth. For patients with these types of reservations, we offer Invisalign®. This treatment has the following benefits:

  • Discrete appearance : It uses clear aligners instead of metal brackets.
  • Aligners are removable : You can take them out to eat, drink and clean.
  • Safe on the mouth : The aligners do not contain metal brackets that can cut your gums or cheeks.
  • Shorter treatment time : You can straighten your teeth in less than a year and a half.
  • Comfortable : The aligners firmly hold teeth without taking up too much extra space in the mouth.

Straightening Teeth with Invisalign Clear Braces

Closeup of dentist placing Invialign tray

Using a series of clear removable aligners, Invisalign® works to gradually and gently guide your teeth into proper alignment. It works best for patients requiring minor to moderate correction. During treatment, you'll wear each set of aligners for a few weeks at a time. As you go along, you can easily remove them for eating, brushing, or flossing. The alignment trays are smooth and comfortable, but best of all, they're discreet and virtually undetectable to those around you. The aligners work best when worn 23 to 24 hours per day, but they are removable over short periods of time for special events or occasions. Recent advancements with Invisalign® have shortened the complete treatment time and made the results more predictable and precise than before.

At Olberding Dental, we're proud to offer Invisalign® to our Lincoln, NE patients. Dr. Olberding’s knowledge and experience make him a natural choice to oversee your Invisalign® treatment. If you’ve been looking for a way to discreetly straighten your smile and enjoy all the benefits of a healthy alignment – your time has come!

Schedule Your Invisalign® Consultation

Call us today to schedule your next visit. Whether you’re looking for general, cosmetic, or restorative care, you can count on us to provide service that exceeds your expectations. We will help you get to the root of your oral health problems so you can enjoy better comfort and functionality.

Invisalign Frequently Asked Questions

 woman putting in Invisalign clear braces

Invisalign is a huge investment. It ultimately pays off in the form of a beautiful, healthier smile. However, there’s no harm in having questions. That’s why we’ve gathered some of the queries about Invisalign that we get asked the most often and answered them for your convenience.

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

It’s nearly impossible to give you a price estimate without your coming in for an evaluation. The price of Invisalign can vary based on multiple factors, such as your age, the severity of your dental misalignment, and your willingness to wear your aligners. Generally, the cost is about the same as traditional braces, but the good news is that more and more insurance companies are beginning to cover at least the partial cost of Invisalign. Ultimately, to determine the cost of your treatment, you’re going to have to come in for a consultation.

Am I the Wrong Age for Invisalign?

Invisalign is not recommended for children and younger teens, simply because their teeth are still growing and developing. However, older teens and adults can easily benefit from straightening their smiles with Invisalign. What’s great is that there is no upper age limit on Invisalign treatment. Being older might just make your treatment take a little longer, but it’s definitely still possible.

Is Invisalign Treatment Painful?

Some patients experience mild discomfort when switching to a new set of aligners, but this should only last a few days at most as your mouth gets used to them. This is normal and is typically described as a feeling of pressure. It’s actually a sign that the aligners are working, since they exert a gentle force on your teeth to shift them into the correct position.

Does Invisalign Come with Any Dietary Restrictions?

Not at all! Unlike traditional braces, there is no risk that bits of food can get caught in brackets and wires. Also, you can and should take your aligners out before you eat and drink. Keep in mind that you have to brush (and floss, if possible) your teeth after eating and before placing your aligners back in. This will keep your aligners clean and free of unsightly stains.

How Do I Clean My Aligners?

The best way to clean your aligners is by rinsing them in a special Invisalign cleaning solution, or lukewarm water. NEVER use hot water to rinse your aligners, as that could warp the plastic and compromise your treatment. It’s also not a good idea to brush your aligners with toothpaste, as that could be abrasive and leave behind stains. Again, it’s important to brush your teeth after eating and before reinserting your aligners.